What is a Bucket List and Why have one?
We hear all the time this concept of a bucket list. You might hear someone say “That is on my bucket list” when they see a picture of a destination or an adventure. But what is a bucket list? And more importantly, why should you have one?
In it’s rawest form, a Bucket List is nothing more than a list of things that you would like to achieve in your life. This may include travel, it may include learning new things or it may be experiencing new things.
It is also important that your Bucket List becomes a list in real life. Write the things that you want to do in your life down on a piece of paper. Studies have shown that you are more likely to achieve your bucket list items once they are written down and shared with family and friends. There is something magical about taking these thoughts out of your head and putting them on a piece of paper that starts the journey towards making them a reality.
A Bucket List, however, is so much more than just a list of things you want to do in your life. This second part of what a Bucket List is is the reason why you should start ticking the items off as soon as you are able. Your Bucket List is a creator of memories.
Memories that will last a lifetime. In February this year, my wife and I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney. It is something we had both wanted to do for a while, and in February we did it! The memory of us standing on top of the bridge with our arms flung wide open and a huge smile on our faces will stay with me until the day I die. I know in years to come when I am talking about the experience with someone who hasn’t done it, my eyes will light up and I will be taken back to that exact time. I am smiling now just thinking about it.
The earlier you do these things, the longer memories you will have. I did a sky dive when I was 18 years old (slightly older than 18 now) and can still remember the adrenaline of leaning out of that plane and jumping out. The sensation of free falling, and the sense of peace when the parachute opened, and we glided down to earth. I also remember the less than smooth landing but hey it was all part of the experience.
In my opinion, memories and experiences are so much more important than possessions, and this is what a Bucket List will give you. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got a Bucket List yet, start one now. Sit down and start writing the things that you want to do that will create memories that will last a lifetime. I promise you that you won’t regret it!!
David Patterson - Director The Bucket list Accountant