Hi I’m David…



Why am I so passionate about helping people achieve their goals?

I have been an accountant for 28 years. 

Through this time I have seen many successful businesses of all different types. One of the things that I have found, and I have been guilty of this as well, is that any small business can become all consuming for the business owner.

My Mission


David Patterson The Bucketlist Accountant

My sons are my greatest motivation in life and business.

I want business owners to enjoy the entire journey.

David Patterson The Bucketlist Accountant

Getting away with my family is always on the bucketlist. It’s a priority.

I believe that emotion created by combining your personal goals with the performance of the business allows a business owner to make better decisions and to achieve more.
— David Patterson

Hi there, I’m David…

As I write this I am in my late 40’s (50 to be exact) and I have been an accountant for nearly 30 years.  Accounting wasn’t my first choice of career, but that is another story.  Ask me about it when next we are talking.  Apart from a two year stint living overseas (where I met my wife on a bus trip to the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona – but again another story for another time) I have been helping businesses in Australia with all their accounting needs.  During that 30 year time frame I have seen it all.  A green behind the ears graduate accountant filling tax returns out in triplicate and purchasing tax stamps (who can remember those) to an expert in my field, helping business owners grow their business and become more profitable.

Throughout my time as an accountant there has been one thing missing in what we provide to clients.  Emotion and meaning.  The same goes to all the business coaches out there.  We have all been keen on helping people make more money and create businesses that are worth more.  But no-one seems to have stopped to ask, why are we doing this.

I have always felt that there was more to my job than completing BAS and Tax Returns for clients.  As an accountant it is great that we can save people tax and keep them compliant with the ATO.  However there is so much more to life than minimising tax and being compliant with the ATO.  And with 30 years’ experience there is so much more I can offer as an accountant.

For me to really help a business in a meaningful way, it is important that I know what the business owners (and their life partners) want to achieve in life.  What is it that is on their Bucket List of things to do in their lifetime?  What gets them excited?  Once I know this, then the magic can start.  When you combine the emotion and happiness of the business owners bucket list with the performance of the business, then I believe that anything can happen.  Suddenly business decisions that you make have a real purpose.  Will the decision help the business become more profitable, but also allow the business owner to tick something off their bucket list?

For me there is no greater joy than seeing my clients (many of whom become friends) achieving their goals.  The growth and success that happens in their personal lives, together with the growth in their business is hugely rewarding.  This is why we have created the Bucket List Accountant.  We want to help more business owners in Australia tick things off their Bucket List now, rather than wait for retirement. 


Take control of your life

What people are saying

“Without David’s help, I would still be stuck working 10 hour days with no time for my family.”

Simon - Simon's Waterfront