What Does Success Look Like For You?
I was talking to a client the other day about their end of year financials and I asked the client about how he thought the business had gone for the year. His response was that the business had not performed as well as he would like. He also mentioned that he had joined a group coaching team specific to his industry. I asked him how it was going and the response really stuck out to me. “They are telling me for my business to be successful I need to grow and hire more people, and I don’t think I want to do that!” – Interesting
This got me thinking about two things. One, how does a coach advise you if they don’t really know what it is you are trying to achieve? And two, what does success look like? No doubt we have all seen the ads scattered over social media – fast cars, big boats, money scattered all over the bed, and someone standing in front of a Rolls Royce, with what we are supposed to believe is their private jet in the background.
Is that all that success is about? Is it all about the money you accumulate and the assets you acquire? At times it feels like we are pushed by outside influences, to pursue these as the ultimate definition of success. But there has to be more!!
What success looks like is different for all of us. Firstly I think it is important for us to stop worrying about whether other people think we are successful or not. Their metrics for success will be vastly different to yours. Have you thought about what success looks like for you? When you put the business apron on the hook for the last time and look back, what will make it feel like you have been successful?
For me success looks like this. I want to be able to take advantage of opportunities that arise that interest me, which will include financial opportunities. I want to be able to spend time with my family and friends. I want to be working with people who excite me. I want to have helped others achieve the goals and dreams that they have. I want to be able to stop and enjoy the moment, without stressing about what else needs to be done.
What does success look like for you?
David Patterson - Director The Bucket list Accountant