Best Advice Ever…
Yesterday morning I received the best piece of advice I have had in a long time. I was pondering over a decision that I had to make with my business that had the potential to be confrontational. I have always thought of myself of someone who doesn’t like confrontation. I have always tried to avoid it where possible. I would much rather miss out than go through the difficult conversation.
So I rang my mind mentor, Leigh. I explained the situation to him and where my mind was at. One of the questions he asked was “What is the worst thing that could happen if you have the conversation”. My mind automatically went to me living under a bridge, old blue heiler by my side, a scraggly grey beard and a sleeping bag as my only companions!!
He then said to me - “You aren’t afraid of confrontation, you are afraid of the uncertainty. As a result you are thinking too far ahead and going down a path that will probably never happen. You need to learn to embrace uncertainty”.
Boom, there it was! Embrace uncertainty. My first step was to present the problem we were having and provide my thoughts on the solution. That was all I had to think about. Think about the first step and take that. Then see what presents itself from there and then make your next decision based on the reaction to the first step. It is that simple.
Too often in business we overthink our decisions. What happens if I do this and then this and this happens? What will people think and how will they react if I do this? The answer is it doesn’t matter. If you have made a decision in relation to your business and you are happy with the process and reason for the decision, then go for it. Worry about the next step when that next step happens. Too often we are paralysed with fear about what will happen and create imaginary paths that will never eventuate. Embrace uncertainty.
Embrace uncertainty. Thanks Leigh.
David Patterson - Director The Bucket list Accountant